The Now Step Community

Welcome to

The Now Step Community

The Monthly Low Cost Membership that will transform your mental health and wellbeing!

Only £12 a month!

Are you struggling with life right now?

Fed up with feeling anxious? Always tired and feeling low?

No motivation for your work and your life?

You have the 'good' job, the 'nice' house? All the things that you 'should' be happy with?

It all looks perfect from the outside right?

But on the inside, it’s a completely different story.

Your mind is in a turmoil of overwhelm, procrastination, frustration, feelings of not being good enough/thin enough/happy enough, feelings of anxiety, low self-esteem, and low mood. You are forever battling with your mental health, unwanted habits and compulsive behaviours.

And you have realised….

That what you have on the outside is the total opposite of what you feel on the inside.

Let me know if this sounds familiar...

  • You are miserable and fed up

  • There are times you think you're losing it! ( How do all my friends and colleagues keep it together?? CLUE - They don't!)

  • You feel so overwhelmed that the smallest task are near impossible so you spend all day stuck in your head making up stories and playing out worst case scenarios

  • Your so stressed you cant sleep

  • You constantly live in the past feeling sadness and regret or in the future with anxiety, worry and overwhelm.


You know things need to change...













Have you ever just wanted .....

To live each moment contented and happy?

To love your life and everything about it?

To have the energy to do the things you love and to enjoy doing them?

To believe in YOURSELF?

To FEEL normal again?


To have 5 minutes peace from the obsessive thoughts in your head?

To NOT feel sad about your past or anxious about your future?

To have freedom from your unwanted habits and compulsive behaviors?

To wake up each day after a good nights sleep giving a big WOOHOO ready to face the day?

To FEEL and BE mentally WELL?

To live mindfully and with intention?


Imagine how it would feel to...

Feel completely IN CONTROL of your mental wellbeing

Live in the NOW and not be worrying about things in the future

To get out your own way and make a success of your business, career, or relationship

"Managing your mind and your mental health is easy when you know how"

Lyn Penman


A Monthly Low Cost Membership for YOU

Where anxiety, stress, depression and low mood are in your PAST...

Welcome to

The Now Step Community

A supportive and inclusive space full of people who get it. A safe space where you can switch off

A space where you can be YOU

Where you can learn to BE PRESENT

It is the ultimate self-care experience

Don't just take my word for it...

The Results Speak for Themselves...

“Thank you for making me feel lighter, more resilient and happier. My husband has noticed such a difference in how I am and how I respond to things since being equipped with all the amazing tools available”


"Thank goodness Lyn introduced me to The NOW Step

The NOW Step is the biggest game changer out there. It will change your life!!”


Learn How To Manage Your Mind - The Now Step Community


Here's how it all shakes out...

Private Member Only Facebook Group

You will have access to a private member only Facebook Group.

This group is:

  • available as and when you need it for support and accountability

  • a safe space beside people who will become your friends

  • easy to access

The Membership Portal

All the training and educational videos you will need to manage your mental wellbeing.

And additional sections focusing on :

  • Anxiety management

  • Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Weight Management and Motivation to exercise (including hypnosis to support this)

This will be growing all the time, with new topics and trainings added.


  • Monthly "stress bucket emptying"

  • A live coaching session with Lyn, using

    solution focused techniques to help you destress, reset, set your goals for the month, finishing off with a live hypnosis

  • Monthly topics and themes

  • Monthly Challenges (exercise/steps/mediation/brain rewiring)

  • Monthly Q&A trainings with live guest speakers

  • Monthly Podcast Club

AND - There's More!

  • You will be taught The Now Step™ eyes open meditation- the simplest way to meditate

  • Professionally recorded hypnosis mp3 by Lyn for improving sleep and reducing anxiety

  • Express Stress Bucket emptying Hypnosis to be used during the day

  • Recorded guided morning meditation by Lindsey

The Now Step Community - The Ultimate Self-Care Experience!- Where mindful and intentional living is the NORM

“You have changed my life! Even my friends and family have noticed a change in me. You are an absolute diamond!”

Becky Louise

“Give it a go because your mind will thank you for it”

Cheryl Ann


Here's what you get when you join.

Monthly Support and Topics

Private invitation to FaceBook Group

Bonus #1: Lyn & Lindsey Live

Bonus #2: Special membership prices for Lyn's 121 and cold water swimming sessions

So much value! And you only pay £12 per month!



Your FOREVER Price - when joining NOW!


Hey there, I'm Lyn.

Having wasted so much of my precious life trapped in the straight jacket of anxiety, poor mental wellness and binge eating (and yes some days I actually did think I was going to be taken away in a straight jacket!!) after turning my own life around I decided to make it my mission to help people like YOU live a life free from overwhelm, anxiety and that crazy voice in your head.

Over the years I have helped thousands of people like YOU find freedom, contentment and happiness.

If I can do it, YOU CAN TOO!

I am a qualified Psychotherapist and I am The UK's Leading Solution-Focused Mental Health Expert.

I work with individuals and corporate companies to help free them from mental health, unwanted habits and compulsive behaviours.

Meet Our Main Guest Speaker

Hey, I'm Lindsey.

Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher with a passion to teach the importance of getting space from your thoughts and how most of your thoughts might be negative and that is normal, it is just a lot of people do not talk about it!

I have meditated for almost 10 years now and it brings so many benefits including improved sleep, how to not run away with negative thoughts and how to fully enjoy the moment, to name a few.

As an overthinker and worrier - I sometimes feel like my head has no room left for any more thoughts - therefore ... I get how tough it can be!

This is not about not having negative thoughts anymore; it is about being ok when they do show up. Being able to see them for what they are - just thoughts and
let them go.

I am so grateful and super excited to be working with Lyn. She truly is a shining light & together, Lyn and I will have you managing your mind to go after what you want
in life.


Your PT for your mind.

The Now Step Community Is a space where you will learn how to manage your mind!

Think of Lyn as your PT for your mind.

You wouldn’t expect to run a marathon without hiring a PT and doing a training plan, changing your nutrition, and learning how to stretch properly. It is the same with your mental fitness. You want results!You must learn the correct way and put a plan into action.Managing your mind is easy when you know how!!

Join The Now Step Community today and make that change NOW.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Monthly Price for The Now Step Community?

You are getting all of the content in the FMR for the unbelievable special offer price of just £12 per month. 

There’s not even a tie in fee so you can leave at any time…….. no contract no fuss…….simples…… can try it out for £12 and if not for you then that’s ok.

Warning - the membership is going to transform your life and your mind and you will NEVER want to leave. 

What if the monthly price increases?

No worries! The great news is because you are joining at £12 a month you will always stay at £12 a month even when the price increases.

So join NOW for only £12  

FOREVER per month thereafter until you leave   

How do I cancel the membership?

It's easy!

You just email Lyn  


Ready to Learn How To Manage Your Mind?

You are so ready for this journey.

The pandemic has left us shaken without a doubt, but perhaps what is has taught is that our mental wellness and clarity means so much more than the material things that we own. It has also shown us that NOW is the time to make our mental wellbeing a priority.

It also taught us that the power of the community and friendships.

Our world of physical contact was closed, so we found our communities and our support networks in the virtual world.

The Now Step Community has created a virtual space that offers real support, education, empowerment and connectivity. With the expertise and solutions, you need to manage your mind.

Ready to say "Hello confident, happy, successful YOU?"

Using physiology, psychology, neuroscience and psychoeducation, The Now Step Community will empower you to be in charge of your mind - not the other way around (just wait till you start to understand the how and the why)

Not only will you begin to understand and manage your own mind and emotional regulation, but that of bosses, colleagues, family and friends

You will be taught life changing tools and healthy habits that will release you from mental chatter and replace it with mental clarity and wellbeing (self-hypnosis, meditation, breathing and emotional regulation-both cognitive and somatic……mind and body for anyone wondering what that meant!!!)

Rewiring your brain

and taking control of your mind and your Life

Freeing yourself from subconscious limiting beliefs and blocks using hypnotherapy

RETREATING from your usual busy life, having a safe space of tranquillity and calm.

Using the benefits of cold water therapy.

We will be teaching you The Now Step™ Eyes Open and Eyes Closed Meditation - an easy way to meditate with your eyes open and your eyes closed so you can even do it as you go about your day

All whilst being beside like-minded people who will be there to support you and help you smash your goals.

The Now Step community is



Join Us inside the community today...


£12 per month