woman in despair

Peri-menopause and why you feel mental?

January 27, 20232 min read

Equilibrium of hormones:

During the peri-post menopausal years (age 38-54) you no longer have an equilibrium of hormones in your body. Therefore, some days you can feel better than others. The constant changes in your hormones can result in you feeling anxious, constantly overthinking, feelings of depression, low self-worth, and lost confidence. Physical symptoms can show up in heart palpitations, changes in body temperature and gut health and your sleep can be affected.  During this time, you can’t deal with stress as effectively as you did ten years ago. It becomes a constant battle and vicious cycle.

When you have ongoing stress, your body maintains high levels of cortisol throughout the day. Over a period of months, this can have a detrimental effect on you both physically and emotionally.  It can lead to adrenal fatigue.

The adrenal glands are small triangular glands located on top of both kidneys. Their job is to produce hormones that regulate metabolism, the immune system, blood pressure and more importantly your response to stress.

Progesterone and oestrogen

During menopause the ovaries stop working and stop producing progesterone and oestrogen, and the adrenal glands then take over the production of these hormones.

However, when you are always stressed the adrenal glands are required to produce constant cortisol and this takes over from them producing the two hormones progesterone and oestrogen.  So, managing your stress levels during this time is so important to allow the adrenal glands to effectively produce the correct balance of hormones.

Things that can help:

  1. Sleep (using a nightly hypnosis can help massively with this) How many hours constant sleep did you get last night?

  2. Relax (breathing, meditating, yoga) How much time have you spent today relaxing?

  3. Balance blood sugar (cut sugar and alcohol out your diet) How much sugar do you consume in a day?

  4. No Caffeine (decaf tea and coffee always) How much caffeine have you had today?

  5. Supplements (magnesium, vitamin C and D, vitamin B12) Have you ever got advice from a nutritionist about these?

  6. Move your body (walking and some gentle body weight exercises are ideal) What movement have you done today?

  7. Learn how to manage your mind (that crazy lady voice that is just not true) Do you know how to manage your mind?

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Lyn Penman

GLOBAL LEADING SOLUTION FOCUSED MENTAL HEALTH EXPERT Founder of The Now Step Method | Best Selling Author | Psychotherapist | Mindfulness Expert | Cold Water Therapy Practitioner

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